3.2 million patients are using respirator every year – Norwegian invention makes the costly treatment less expensive

April 20, 2018

3.2 million patients are using respirator every year – Norwegian invention makes the costly treatment less expensive

Respinor was the top choice among 237 EU applicants in the health field which applied to the Horizon 2020 programme. An ultrasound device for continuous monitoring of the diaphragm was rewarded a grant of 3 million euro (NOK 28,5 million) from EU, Teknisk Ukeblad (TU) writes.

Every year 3,2 million patients in the Western world has to be put in a respirator. It amounts to 3 per cent of all hospital patients, but the total cost is relatively speaking much higher, about 12 per cent.

The Norwegian breakthrough technology provides the potential to save considerable costs for respiratory units all over the world. The ultrasound device measures the breathing rate, the speed of the diaphragm and how large the anomalies are.

Respinor’s technology will be clinically tested in Paris, France and at St. Olav hospital in Trondheim, Norway.

The goal for commercial launch is 2020, TU reveals. Teknisk Ukeblad is Norway’s leading engineering magazine with a total monthly circulation of 143,000 copies.

Read the full article here (pay wall): https://www.tu.no/artikler/3-2-millioner-pasienter-legges-i-respirator-hvert-ar-norsk-oppfinnelse-gjor-den-radyre-behandlingen-billigere/432433


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